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Although it is convenient to describe the blood flow through the right side of the heart and then through the left side, it is important to recognize that the atria and ventricles contract at the same time. The heart works as two pumps, one on the right and the other on the left, operating simultaneously. Blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle and is then pumped into the lungs to receive oxygen. From the lungs, blood flows into the left atrium, and then into the left ventricle. From there, it is pumped into the systemic cycle. When the left atrium contracts, more blood flows into the left ventricle. Valves are made of strong, thin tissue flaps called leaflets or bumps. Both atria are thin-walled chambers that draw blood from the veins. Both ventricles are thick-walled chambers that powerfully pump blood from the heart. The differences in the thickness of the walls of the ventricle are due to variations in the amount of myocardium present, which reflects the amount of force that each chamber must generate. The causes of heart valve damage vary depending on the type of condition present and may include: The heart has four valves.

The mitral valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve and aortic valve. Mitral and tricuspid valves, also known as atrioventricular valves, are located between the upper chambers of the heart, the atria, and the lower chambers of the heart, the ventricles. The aortic and pulmonary valves are located between the ventricles and arteries that emerge from the heart. These valves are also known as crescent-shaped valves. Cardiac catheterization. This test involves inserting a tiny hollow tube (catheter) through a large artery in the leg or arm that leads to the heart to provide images of the heart and blood vessels. This procedure is useful for determining the type and extent of certain valve diseases. Prolapse – When the heart valve sheets do not close properly Myxomatous degeneration (an inherited connective tissue disease that weakens the heart valve tissue) Pumps require a series of valves to keep fluid flowing in one direction, and the heart is no exception. The heart has two types of valves that allow blood to flow in the right direction. The valves between the atria and ventricles are called atrioventricular valves (also called kuspid valves), while those at the base of the large vessels that leave the ventricles are called crescent valves.

Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE). In this test, a small ultrasound transducer passed into the esophagus. Sound waves create an image of the valves and chambers of the heart on a computer screen without the ribs or lungs interfering. The mitral and aortic valves are most often affected by heart valve disease. Some of the most common heart valve diseases are: This pattern is repeated, which causes continuous blood flow to the heart, lungs, and body. The four normally functioning heart valves ensure that blood is always flowing freely in one direction and there are no backward exits. The four valves must be opened and closed to allow blood to flow through the heart. The following steps show how blood flows through the heart and describe how each valve works to keep the blood moving.

The heart has four heart valves – the aortic, mitral, pulmonary and tricuspid valves. The four valves open and close to move blood from one area to another. Two of the valves, the mitral and tricuspid valves, move blood from the upper ventricles (atria) to the lower ventricles (the ventricles). The other two valves, the aortic and pulmonary valves, move blood through the ventricles to the lungs and the rest of the body. When the heart valves open and close, they produce sounds that we know as our heart rate. When the ventricles contract, the atrioventricular valves close to prevent blood from flowing back into the atria. When the ventricles relax, the crescent-shaped valves close to prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricles. Heart valves can have both dysfunctions at the same time (regurgitation and stenosis). In addition, more than one heart valve can be affected at the same time. If the heart valves do not open and close properly, the effects on the heart can be severe and potentially affect the heart`s ability to properly pump blood through the body.

Heart valve problems are a cause of heart failure. Echocardiogram (echo). This non-invasive test uses sound waves to assess the chambers and valves of the heart. Echo sound waves produce an image on a monitor when an ultrasonic transducer passes through the core. This is the best test to assess heart valve function. X-ray of the lungs. This test, which uses invisible beams of electromagnetic energy to create images of internal tissues, bones and organs on film. An X-ray can show enlargement in any area of the heart.

The aortic valve and pulmonary valve are located between the ventricles and the main blood vessels that leave the heart. The mitral valve and tricuspid valve are located between the atria (upper ventricles) and the ventricles (lower ventricles). Beta-blockers, digoxin and calcium channel blockers to reduce the symptoms of valvular heart disease by controlling heart rate and helping to prevent abnormal heart rhythms. At the same time as the above process takes place, oxygen-rich blood returns from the lungs via the left atrium. The left atrium then moves the blood through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. When the left ventricle contracts, it moves blood through the aortic valve into the aorta. The aorta then supplies the rest of the body with blood. Repair of heart valves. In some cases, defective valve surgery can help relieve symptoms. Examples of cardiac valve repair surgery include remodeling abnormal valve tissue for the valve to function properly, or inserting prosthetic rings to shrink an expanded valve. In many cases, heart valve repair is preferable because a person`s own tissue is used.

The heart consists of four chambers, two atria (upper chambers) and two ventricles (lower chambers). There is a valve through which blood flows before leaving each chamber of the heart. The valves prevent blood from flowing back. These valves are actual valves located at each end of the two ventricles (lower chambers of the heart). They act as disposable blood outlets on one side of a ventricle and disposable blood outflows on the other side of a ventricle. Normal valves have three valves, with the exception of the mitral valve, which has two valves. The four heart valves are: 1. Open tricuspid and mitral valvesClear flows from the right atrium into the right ventricle through the open tricuspid valve and from the left atrium into the left ventricle through the open mitral valve. The heart is enclosed in a pericardial sac lined with parietal layers of a serous membrane.

The visceral layer of the serous membrane forms the epicardium. Regurgitation – If the valves do not close completely, blood can flow backwards. This is called regurgitation. The human heart is a four-chamber muscular organ shaped and sized much like a man`s closed fist, with two-thirds of the mass to the left of the midline. Mild to moderate valvular heart disease may not cause symptoms. These are the most common symptoms of heart valve disease: the heart has four valves – one for each ventricle. The valves hold the blood in the right direction through the heart. After the left ventricle contracts, the aortic valve closes and the mitral valve opens so that blood from the left atrium can flow into the left ventricle. With this defect, the leaflets of the mitral valve swell and do not close properly during the contraction of the heart. This allows blood to flow backwards. This can lead to a mitral insufficiency noise. When the heart muscle contracts and relaxes, the valves open and close, allowing blood to flow alternately into the ventricles and atria.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how the valves in the left ventricle work normally: stenosis (or valve narrowing). When the valve opening narrows, it limits blood flow to the ventricles or atria. The heart is forced to pump blood with increased force to move blood through narrowed or stiff (stenotic) valves. Stenosis – If the valve openings are narrow or were not formed properly at birth, blood flow may be inhibited. This causes the valve flaps to stiffen, thicken or melt. The heart must then pump harder to move through the stenotic valves. All valves can suffer from stenosis. The left and right ventricles relax. The aortic and pulmonary valves close and prevent blood from flowing back into the heart. The mitral and tricuspid valves then open to allow blood flow in the heart to fill the ventricles.

Medicine. Medications are not a cure for heart valve disease, but treatment can often relieve symptoms. These medications may include: Heart valves regulate the blood that circulates in the heart. .